Cox responds to TSM

From his “The Spin”, Damien is an every day Peter Parker…

“In responses to this blog and a column in The Star this week, some took offence at my suggestions that this deal that sent McCabe to Florida was less than a brilliant transaction for the Leafs. Some suggested that it was a flip-flop on my part to suggest for a number of years that McCabe had played below his abilities and was overpaid, but then to argue that when he was dealt, the trade wasn’t good enough.

Well, that’s not a flip-flop at all.”

That isn’t what you are getting flap over Spidey…. One day you said you couldn’t call the deal bad and then the next day you called the deal bad….John Kerry was more honest in his presidential run in 2004!

Kudos for trying to face your critics, you get an A for effort, but man what a weak effort it was!

Don’t forget to shop the new TSM store – Its for a good cause!, MS society of Canada

Also, don’t forget to vote for Tom Cheeck for the hall of fame

One response to “Cox responds to TSM

  1. “Some people have called me a hypocrite. To them I say, am I really? The answer of course is no. Also, 1967.”

    – Damien Cox, 2008

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