Tag Archives: fox sports

Al-Strachan Needs Help

Another useless article by Big Al. You don’t even have to read it to predict what is in it. Lets see, those who predicted attacking the league for a cap, you are correct. I mean the guy is sooooo smart he writes for who again? Oh yeah, no one. He is picked up by fox sports. The CBC is so desperate they continue to put him on the hotstove. One has to wonder what he pays the CBC to appear. His most recent article is yet another in the long series of the CAP is bad for fans…yadda yadda yadda. We know, AL move along…

Why raise it? Well Al speculates that the Cap will drop down to 45m in 2010-2011. He then tries to explain which teams are going to be in deep trouble for fact that they have too much money tied up in too few players;

“To the right is a list of some of the teams in precarious positions. The figures represent the amount of money, to the nearest million, that is already committed. The player number shows how many players are under contract for that year. Each team needs to have at least 23 players on its roster.”

Only one problem…the chart only contains 2 columns, the Team and the amount of money committed.

Missing Info?

Missing Info?

So when Al says : “A team like the Rangers, therefore, will have about $9 million at its disposal to pay 16 players. Similarly, Philadelphia will have $3 million to pay 13 players.” It isn’t backed by ummmmm anything. At least he tried to do some homework.

Cirque De Burke

Some things that amused me this am…

1. Did anyone catch Cox on TSN last night before the Thrashers game? The host did refer to him as the Devil Cox right?

2. Did anyone notice that between 6pm and 8pm the Star changed the headline on Cox’s article from Done Deal to All But Done?

3. Did anyone notice this quote from today’s article by Damien “Headline writers, sharpen your pencils.”
Don’t think for one second that this line isn’t intentional. If nothing else the guy is human and the fact that the headline got switched and then he wrote this is not a coincidence.

4. Did anyone notice some interesting notes on both Burke and Wilson in that coloumn by Damien, really good insight:

“Wilson is among the most cerebral of coaches. He’ll talk to you at length about being “bi-handed” like Brett Hull and how brain functions allow left-handers to shoot right-handed effectively. He loves HBO’s Mad Men and reruns of Curb Your Enthusiasm, thought it was fitting to have Jamal Mayers take a ceremonial faceoff for the Leafs to commemorate the historic election of Barack Obama and loves to have evening Skype teleconference sessions with his 2-year-old grandchild. Burke, a father of six, believes in beginning all discussions with a verbal equivalent of a ball-peen hammer to the forehead. He loves rum and arguments and is the ultimate partisan, fiercely protective of his players.While friends, they aren’t exactly soulmates and have very different core beliefs on the sport. Burke loves blood ‘n’ guts hockey, while Wilson was the finesse player who competed in Europe and relies on brains and computers to coach. Wilson’s worst habit, according to some who have worked with him, is to start referring to “I” too much when the going gets tough and his players as “they.” Burke is a “we” and “us” guy but also a first-class manipulator of the media.”

I think everyone thought that because they were buddies from a past life this would be a marriage made in heaven. Certainly this could get interesting.

5. Did anyone else notice the non-issue of reporting structure? Others seem to think this is a huge deal. The reality is Burke, like any other executive have to report to someone. Damien gets it right here too:

“Among the last details to be worked out centred around the chain of command within Toronto’s front office and the management structure. There was a question as to whether Burke would report directly to the MLSE board on a regular basis, or to a senior executive, such as Peddie. That, it is believed, was not a sticking point or a worry to Burke since he had to “manage up” during his days running the Canucks and Ducks.”

Until you become owner, you have to report to someone so this managing up is never the problem that people think it is.

6. Did anyone else notice that Happy Howie took another swipe at his media breathern, but this time got it right?:

“Exactly why several of my media colleagues have insisted on pinpointing an exact date and time in the past week escapes me, other than to be in position to claim “We told you so first” (forever important in this business). Given that Brian Burke has not yet been anointed – two weeks after his departure from Anaheim – implies that negotiations with Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment have bogged down several times. In fact, that may not be the case at all. What is likely at play here is a tremendously complicated deal – far different than the type MLSE has ever granted a hockey employee. The level of authority; the term, and the compensation Burke is seeking requires that both sides be more than content over the long haul, and this sort of business arrangement doesn’t happen quickly, even in the presence of mutual interest. The amount of legal inspection, alone, is enough to prolong such an ordeal and it’s almost certain that the Leafs and Burke are merely working through an involved and complex arrangement.
But, this union has been “in the air” for more than a year and it is going to happen… be it tomorrow, Saturday, or a week from now. The time-frame is hardly a factor.”

He hasn’t said it lately, but Howie was the first to raise the possibility of Burke leaving Anaheim a long time ago, long before anyone else raised the issue. Is that what is behind the common sense revolution on his part?

7.Did anyone else notice the continued support on the hiring from Mr. Simmons?:

” Which is why Brian Burke has been the perfect fit for the Leafs from the moment it was determined that Ken Holland wasn’t playing in this game. There was nobody else. There was nobody else who has shown this kind of creativity, forcefulness, vision, anger: Great teams rarely are built on convention. They are built on moxie and good fortune, on sound management and a gambler’s spirit. So how and where does Burke start with these Maple Leafs — assuming he will be announced on Saturday as president and general manager of the club. He will have six years to fix this mess. He will get rich (a contract likely worth more than $17 million US) — hopefully the city and its fans also will be enriched. This isn’t like hiring John Ferguson. This isn’t a guess. This is an investment. This is a chance for an organization that has been too laughable for too long to finally do things right.”

We need to remember this when things appear (that is APPEAR) to he heading south for when the hounds come out..

” Burke will listen to Dave Nonis, who likely is to join him in Toronto, to Cliff Fletcher, the adviser, to Joe Nieuwendyk, the young study, and to his old friend and coach, Ron Wilson. Like Wilson, he will demand accountability, from every player, from every employee. He will be loud and forceful and loyal and protective and occasionally — see Todd Bertuzzi — blind. But he won’t be complacent, or outworked. He will roll up his sleeves and get busy — the kind of values Toronto applauded Wendel Clark for — this time as general manager and president. The stage will be his come the weekend. Time for the show to begin.”

That is why he is the right guy at the right time. Perfect? No one is. Sounds like he brings in the right people and lets them do their jobs. Isn’t it about time we had that here?

8. Anyone else notice how Matt Stajan has bought in to the new system?:

” Matt Stajan is another player who could have met a similar fate, but when he found himself benched, he took a different route. Unlike his departed pals, Stajan clued in and quickly turned into more than a useful player.Besides busting his butt on a nightly basis, he’s on a point- a-game clip, far ahead of anything he’s done previously in his career.”They said changes were coming, so you can’t really say you didn’t expect it,” Stajan said. “You just didn’t know how it was going to happen.”When (Burke) comes in, if he comes in, that’s a different situation. Who knows what he does? I’m sure any new GM is going to try to make the team better in the way they want it to be.”

Rob Longley of the Sun is right about Stajan. Of the younger old guys he is the one who got it right. Does that mean he stays for a long time? I have no clue, but, you have to think Ron Wilson is at least a little bit impressed.

9. Did anyone notice little but AP content on this story from either ESPN or Foxsports??

10. Did anyone notice the excellent article on Felix Potvin at Espn.com?”

Felix is an assistant coach with a kids youth team. This is both a good story and an excellent read. You can find it here

11. Finally, my best quote for this is, someone just told Jason Blake who the next GM of the Leafs is…can anyone top it?:

Jason Blake

Jason Blake

Snidley Whiplash on Brian Burke

Oh how I miss my youth. Waking up on Saturday mornings to watch the classic cartoons, and of course reading the Sunday Sun. What did these two have in common, both the Sun and the cartoon featured the same character Snidley Whiplash.

Snidley Whiplash

Snidley Whiplash

Snidley Whiplash

Snidley Whiplash

The second photo he looks a little peakish, and some of you may remember him as Al Strachan, arguably the WORST Toronto sports writer of all time. The guy is a complete zero. He was the first of the leaf bashers thus inspiring Cox and Simmons et all.

Anyway, big Al hasn’t been seen in a little while, he sometimes appears on HNIC, when say no other human being is willing to appear, but low and behold, he is still writing for Foxsports.com

In his most recent article he makes some pretty good points about the track record of Brian Burke and his candidacy as GM of the Leafs. Snidley, can’t help himself in bashing the buds nor us his fans:

“In Toronto, Maple Leafs’ fans are waiting with fevered anticipation for the arrival of this savior, eager to throw palm fronds in his path when he arrives — as he has said he would — to lead their team to glory after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. (Sorry about the mixed Biblical metaphors, but when dealing with Burke, no lesser literary work would suffice.)”

That just isn’t true. It is not Maple Leafs who keep singing his praise or predicting his arrival, it’s your media breathern Snidely. Bill Watters guaranteed it (will happen before training camp eh willy?), Howie keeps reminding us that he is the first to prognosticate about it. Leaf fans aren’t the guilty ones her ahole, it’s you and your elk. Truth be told you have never been a reputable scribe, nothing you ever wrote came to fruition (ok maybe not nothing, but you get the point) Remember the scene in Tommy boy when the guy at the parts place goes nuts on David Spade ” your a miserable little prick and I don’t like you.”

“There are many more examples, but Burke’s acolytes are convinced of his superiority and any contrary examples tend to fall on deaf ears. As Edmonton’s Kevin Lowe said of Burke, “He’s like the Wizard of Oz. You pull the curtains away and there’s not much substance.”

He’ll be perfect for the Leafs.”

No there you go again Al. Just because you got gonged by the Sun, and no other paper in the city would hire you, why the hate for Toronto? Do us all a favor and go back into hiding, you were never missed.