Tag Archives: nfl

In Response to Football Barbie

So I spent some time very early this am writing a blog post in response to Steve Simmon’s gibberish in today’s Sun. I was not entirely surprised to not get a ton of activity on the post, as for the most part if it isn’t leafs or hockey, well, that’s just the way it is. I was pleased and confused to see the following comment posted in response to my post:

“Dear NFL people, please leave the Bills in Buffalo and as far away from Toronto as possible!”

This was signed Barbie.

My first reaction was that this had to be from someone in Buffalo. I wrote the reply below to the aforementioned Barbie from Buffalo. Only one problem, Barbie from Buffalo isn’t from Buffalo, it’s Barbie from Canada. A quick look at her blog tells us or at least me, that she is an avid football fan. I am more surprised at her comments given her strong affinity for the game. In any event, I thank you for writing Barbie, and for those of you who may care, here is my response to Barbie who should be from Buffalo 🙂 :


Hey Barbie:

Thanks for your note. 2 things I think you need to know. First, whom, are these NFL people you are writing to? I can tell you, without question that I am not them. I am surprised that you are addressing this issue to the NFL people though. Whom do you think took this game to Toronto? It wasn’t the city of Toronto or the NFL, it was the owner of the Buffalo Bills and their owner (or at least his wallet.)

Secondly, and perhaps most importantly let’s make something clear. From a fan standpoint, very few out there would be happier if the NFL were to come to Toronto then I would be. Having said that, I don’t really want a team from another city. While I realize that we may be forced to take a pre-existing franchise, I, like many others would much prefer an expansion franchise as opposed to a franchise that is currently playing in another city.

So, if by NFL people you mean us here to the North, you are picking the wrong enemy. We want a team, not your team. If you want your team to stay as your team, keep buying as much Bills gear as you can and as many tickets as you can.

I would be remiss to say that given your Bills play of late, including their performance yesterday….Please keep your Bills as far away from Toronto as possible…we have enough with losing franchises thank you!

Boredom Didn’t Last Long

Sorry for yesterday’s post…. I am back to being riled up.

“Yes, this Buffalo Bills game in Toronto today has not exactly worked out as planned but even so, the economics have to be daunting for the Canadian Football League. Today’s game will bring in more ticket revenue — about $8 million — than the Argonauts manage for an entire season. The Argos range from $6 million to $7 million a year in ticket sales”

“But the first National Football League game to be played in Canada ended up accomplishing what nobody really envisioned. It angered people in Buffalo. It angered people in Toronto. It cost Rogers Communications all kinds of money. And it entertained almost no one.”

Ahhhh yes, Mr. Simmons. To whom the glass is always entirely empty. Funny how only yesterday the CFL should be worried that one games revenue equaled more then an entire season and today everyone is “angry”.

Ok sports fans, I will bite… Raise your hand if you are angry about yesterday’s game at the Ted. Forget the outcome as well, anybody can be angry on any given Sunday. Seriously, I want to know the person who was “angered in Toronto”. Except those who couldn’t drive around near the Dome yesterday due to road closures, raise your hand if the game made you “angry”. That is what I thought. There is nothing to be angry about. His entire article is full of contradictions. I spoke to 25 people who went to the game yesterday. Each of them and their respective groups were thoroughly entertained. Every one of them said the same thing “We had a great time”. So, there you have it, I can’t believe my peeps were the only ones entertained…

The game brought in 8 million in ticket revenue alone. That doesn’t count all the other crap. Was it a HUGE success ? No, was it a COLOSSAL failure, no. Let’s recall all those stories about the amounts of money the Rogers Community has lost on the Blue Jays or other entities. Certain things corporations do for total profit (like charging 1.99 for directory assistance on a cell call) and others they do for profit, pr, marketing etc.

Yesterday, I had the good fortune of being outside for about 20 minutes at a local cemetery. Never a fun event, but I can tell you it was certainly in the top 5 coldest 20 minutes of my life. So, for the Bills fans who are so angry, get your pals and companies to buy more tickets so that your owner wouldn’t have to move a few games to where he can subsidize his take locally. That, or get in the car and drive. As much as people say they would have preferred to be outside yesterday, be the least be honest. Here in Toronto, which is Florida compared to Buffalo weather, it was unbearable outside yesterday. I can only imagine what it was like in Buffalo. Those Bills fans who went to the game (of which half of my 25 were) all were thrilled it was in doors.

“People paid mortgage payments for a pair of tickets to watch J.P. Losman play quarterback. That doesn’t seem fair to anybody. He is Buffalo’s Michael Bishop — and before Saskatchewan let him go, you could watch for him about 25 bucks.”

Now, remember that line folks, and compare it to:

“The good people at Rogers — bless them — announced attendance at 52,134. Some of them apparently paid. Those who attended the Metro Bowl high school championships last week were given freebies. Those who work for Rogers or the Blue Jays were informed they could have free tickets.

    Outside, you could have had scalpers’ seats for less than $50. That makes this event dubious as a way of impressing the NFL.

So, you want it both ways? Metro Bowlers (couldn’t resist) and Roger Community Members were allowed in for free and scalping would land you a seat for $50. Raise your hand if your mortgage payment is $50. I know the argument, people shelled out good money early at face price for seats. I know a couple of people who had to fly home last minute from Florida last week. The bought their tickets on westjet.com the day before the flight, they paid under $200 for their tickets tax in. They sat with another friend who just happened to be on their flight but bought her ticket several weeks ago. She paid over $450 for her ticket. Life isn’t fair. What can I tell you.

“What also was evident was that the emotional draw that makes sport special — being here for your team, caring, being passionate — loses its appeal in what ostensibly seemed like a neutral-site game. When I asked a friend in the stands to rate the atmosphere, he called it a D-.”

Clearly your friends aren’t my friends.

“This had a corporate Super Bowl feel to it. A lot of people paid a lot of money to be here and then weren’t sure what to do.”

What were people expecting? This is not a surprise to anyone with a brain who knows the Toronto market. Look at the facts. The majority of people who grew up in this city loved one of several NFL teams, the cowboys (America’s team), the Dolphins (I am not sure why), the bills (proximity) and the (steelers- Bradshaw and the boys). No offense to anyone who lives and dies for another team. Growing up in Toronto, everyone I know roots for one of those teams in strong majorities. Toronto is not entirely a Bills town. This was a neutral site game. It is not different then games in Europe, Mexico or anywhere else. To complain that it had a corporate feel is stupid. Love it,or hate it, this is Toronto. If you don’t like it, unfortunately, you are wishing away your teams. People may bemoan the corporate feel to the ACC, but guess what Leaf Nation it is sold out every night. If you want the team to be able to spend to the cap, and you want it go get big name GM’s and coaches, that barn has to be full. Wait until you see what the Blue Jays look like this year if the rumored trimming takes place.

“All our lives we’ve been waiting for the National Football League. Today we have to take a moment and wonder why. After the most talked-about, most promoted, most hyped football game played in Toronto, all there was left at the end was a sense of ambivalence.”

Who hyped it? Who has been waiting for an NFL Bills Dolphins Game all their lives? If that is you, I am truly sorry for you. Give Toronto a game where it is the home team, the Toronto Whatevers against either the Bills or the Dolphins then we can talk. The hype? Media created. Yes Rogers held a press conference, the press covered it. How many times did the folks at the Fan590 have the bills guys on the air. Say what you want, and I know who owns the fan, but the hype here is on the press. The naysayers poo-pooed this from the get go. There is no surprise at the result. What did people expect?

Say whatever you want. The NFL should be the easiest sale of the year. Each HOME team only hosts 8 regular season games and 2 pre-season games. No matter what you charge for a season ticket, the multiplier is 10….10!!!!! Not 41, or 81, 10!. If you don’t sell the game out they Bill Wirtz you. That’s right the game doesn’t go on local tv. 5 times this year, a HOME team hasn’t been able to sell enough tickets to lift the blackout. Here we had a neutral game and they were able to lift it. 5 times, the folks in their respective home towns couldn’t care enough to go to a game. In those towns there is a HOME team. In those towns (Oakland and Detroit) the teams suck, but hey so do the Cubs and the Maple Leafs. We all know of cities that have lots teams. It happens too often and will happen again. (personally I don’t think it’s that unimaginable that the Jays aren’t here in 8-10 years, but that is a blog post for another day). Here in Toronto the game sold out. I don’t care the ‘nitty girtty’, the NFL wouldn’t lift the blackout if they weren’t satisfied that their standards in doing so weren’t met. This wasn’t a home game, this was an event. At 5 different home stadiums where weather wasn’t an issue (one is a dome, one is in CA) they couldn’t sell enough tickets to show the game on tv.

Anyone who is grumpy about the price of tickets or concessions needs to give their head a shake. If scalpers were selling tickets as cheaply as being reported then you could have gone for next to nothing. As for concessions, take your kids, or your significant other to a movie and buy a popcorn and a pop. Go to the Jays game and see what you pay. Newsflash, we live in an expensive city. Have you been to a local McDonald’s lately?? Seriously, I don’t take my kids because the food is lousy AND it’s not cheap… I could live with crappy burgers if they were cheap.

The game was exactly what it should have been. For those who said it didn’t feel like a normal NFL game, newsflash, it wasn’t. Every other NFL game has a home team. Those who went and said I don’t get the hype, then you weren’t paying attention to the nuances of the game and your expectations weren’t properly set. Go to Washington DC and take in a Redskins game. Go early, find your way to a tailgate party. Do the same in Chicago, San Diego, Miami….

Lastly, as for the game itself. Which, in all sporting EVENTS is usually secondary, was pretty much what was expected. The Dolphins who were 1-15 last year are a team on the incline. The Bills despite their start are clearly a team on the decline. The game pretty much matched that. If you read the Buffalo paper today and compare it with the Miami papers and look at the game analysis you will see just that. How many Super Bowls have been great games. Events as opposed to games are rarely worth watching.

Simmons’ column is the usual BS. Noise created by a badly dressed spinster.

I feel so much better now….

Saturday/Sunday Blah’s

Ahhhhh yes, the dog days of sum, I mean winter. Let’s review Brian Burke becomes GM, team goes out west, plays pretty poorly in the final 2 games, during the second of which a veteran defenceman gets benched for the entire period before going -3. The team gets back and hires a new head of hockey operations, looses a close game to the Washington Capitals, and at the same time the stud defenceman gets injured (likely for 2 weeks) and one it’s better forwards (Hagman) to injury too. I think that sums up the leafs no? The Raptors fire their coach, who only a couple of seasons ago won coach of the year honors. The new coach is a canuck(first time that has ever happened) and has gone 0 for 2 since. Collectively those two teams have had a change in their ownership structure. Over in Blue Jay land, the GM meetings are now here and the owner just died and the word is the payroll is being dramatically cut. Elsewhere in Toronto, the Buffalo Bills played my (no, I don’t own them) Miami Dolphins in the first ever regular seas game to be played in Canada or Toronto.

Elsewhere, Sundin appears to be on the verge of deciding to make a decision whether or not play this season and then maybe where too. Sean Avery has been suspended for 6 games and ordered to be assessed for the need for anger management therapy. He has apparently asked the PA not to appeal or file a grievance on his behalf (giving Glen Why Can’t I Be Maple Leaf GM ulcers). The Canes fired their coach and replaced him Paul Maurice. Tampa Bay fired it’s coach too this season and may actually be worse under Rick “The Bet” Tocchet. The economy is in the crapper (and going to get worse) and the NHL board of Governors are going to discuss that (and hopefully litany of teams who are allegedly in various stages of financial disarray. ) The Detroit Lions improved to 0-13 (improved is the right word right???) In US college football, Oklahoma and Florida finished 1-2 in the BCS and will play for the BCS national championship on Jan. 8 in Miami. In US college hoops the Michigan Wolverines stunned the Duke Blue Devils who were ranked #4 prior to that tilt…

Forgive me if I left anything out… Why the review? Well, in my usual tour of the papers, tv stations, websites today I can honestly say I didn’t find one single article worth reading or writing about. No joke. With the exception of the blurb on Simmon’s piece which I wrote mainly for Eye….and to bash Howie, again, there was nothing, zip, zero, nadda, zilch to even consider discussing. With all of the above going on, and more I am sure, I was stunned at how little was written or spoken that actually peaked my interest, had me on my blackberry to ping someone, or get my blood boiling. Did you read Larry Brooks today? Don’t bother, there was nothing there. Seriously, even his take on the Avery story was a complete bore.

So, perhaps this is a week in review, or the after effects of another phenomenal festivus last night but here is hoping that it isn’t a sign of things to come. I used to really like Sunday’s for sports media purposes…. Today I felt cheated.

All Plaxico Burress- NFL Player shoots himself

Not sure how many of you heard about this. NFL player Plaxico Burress was at a club this past weekend when he accidently shot himself. That is right, he was at a nightclub when he shot himself. So we are clear, this married athtlete with kids was in a nightclub with a loaded weapon and then shot himself.

Wouldn’t we like to believe that the guy is smart enough to know that any place he goes where he has to bring a gun is a place he probably shouldn’t be going. So I don’t seem as anti-gun as I am, allow me to make this clear:

He has a right to own a gun
He has a right to protect himself at his home
He can carry a gun while out as long as he has the right permit
Why he is in a place where he feels he needs a gun is one thing
Why he is in a place where he feels needs a loaded gun is quite another
Why he is carrying a loaded gun is another thing

According to keyshawn johnson, current broadcaster, former nfl player, at least 50% of NFL players carry guns.

As Dan Patrick said this am, if I feel that I have to carry a loaded gun to my Applebys then maybe, just maybe I am choosing to go to a different Applebys.

Classic in ever sense of the world.

I say once again, and I know I shouldn’t generalize, however, IN GENERAL there is no dumber being on this planet then the professional athlete…..

Is This How NFL Players’s Talk?

I say it all the time, called me crazy, but man I really hope that the chatter on the field in the NFL is better then this:

“They were cracking jokes,” Lions running back Kevin Smith said. “They thought we were a joke. They said we (stink). They were saying that to me, that I (stink). And I told them they (stink), too. And they said, ‘Well, not as bad as (you).’ And I said, ‘You’re right.’ (Because) we haven’t won one game.”

Come on!!! That is brutal. How old are these guys, that is the best they can do? Assume the word is “suck” if i guy on another team says to you hey “you guys suck” the best you can is “you guys suck too”???

This can’t be true, how sad if it is….

read the rest of the story here

Dreger Responds to Happy Howie

Hmmmm, I just finished one post on gambling and the huge influence it has on sports and I see that Darren Dreger has posted a blog on the issue of injury disclosure in the NHL.  Who cares right????  Well down the dial, Happy Howie has made this his topic du life.  I am not entirely sure why, however the fact that teams don’t totally disclose the injuries drives him nuts…

Funny, it is the players who don’t want it disclosed as opposed to the mangers…:

“This past June, NHL general managers voted unanimously in favor of limiting how much information is disclosed about player injuries. The amended policy states clubs cannot falsify information, or misrepresent a player’s condition; but teams are no longer required to disclose the specific nature of player injuries.”

Ahhhh, the J.P. meets the US army policy, that is It’s not a lie if the teller knows the truth meets don’t ask don’t tell….  So the policy is you don’t have to disclose anything, but if you do, you can’t lie.  Clear as mud eh?

“NHL GMs say the crackdown is designed to protect the player, as many still believe “targeting” is a constant threat. Wings GM Ken Holland says he encouraged the league to reconsider the disclosure policy for two reasons: 1)  Two of his players requested the specifics of their injuries not be disclosed.  2)  The GM saw enough evidence in game one of the Western Conference final versus the Dallas Stars and game two of the Stanley Cup final to conclude opposition players were targeting Johan Franzen’s head based on reports the Detroit forwards had “concussion-like” symptoms.”

Now clearly, the NHL is more physically demanding then the NFL right? Wink Wink….. So why the difference?

“Well, it’s not something people want to say on the record but the answer is a simple one from an NHL perspective – the NFL is compelled to adopt a full disclosure policy because of the enormous amount of money wagered each week on the outcome of games. The NHL faces no such pressure.”

Amen.  The NHL won’t be a Major League, comparable with the other 3 until $uch a time as that change$.  The money on “the $ide” makes it in$ignificant.  That i$ why the TV deal$ are brutal and why the NHL remain$ a league that i$ driven by the gate, unlike any of the other Major League$.  It is also why, the player$ will be able to hide behind their injurie$, becua$e, to be hone$t, with the exception of Happy Howie, no one care$…at least no one that matter$

you can read dreger here

Hearts in New England~ Thud

“After extensive tests this morning, it was revealed that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady’s left knee, which was injured in the first quarter of yesterday’s game, will require surgery. He will be placed on injured reserve and will miss the remainder of the 2008 season.”

What more needs to be said?

But did he get any points?

This is true American Justice.

You may recall that Canadian born New England Patriot Nick Kaczur got busted for drugs a few months back. He was wearing a wire in order to nail his dealer who had been supplying him his drug of choice for years…all allegedly.

“Kaczur was originally charged with seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail. He was also charged with going 76 mph in a 65 mph zone.”

So what does a drug abuser who happens to play in the NFL get for his actions????

“The 28-year-old Kaczur was ordered to pay $355 in fines and fees by Whitestown Town Justice Stanley Wolanin, who said the drug possession charge will be dismissed if he stays out of trouble for the next six months.”


What a joke. We all know what would have happened if it were anyone else….

The only hope of salvation would be if he at least got some demerit points….

Here are some great fantasy football (NFL) tools

With the NFL traning camps about to open (below are all the teams dates), our friends over at mashable listed some great sites and tools for winning your upcoming nfl pool/league.

Here are my favs:

Fantasy Football 2008 – A full-featured commissioner game that gives you all of the regular features plus things like real-time scores, auto-picked line-up, off-line draft picks and more.

Bodoglife.com – Articles on how to assemble a team, news on the real players, and a free league for you to play in.

Fleaflicker.com – Run by AOL Sports, Fleaflicker has free leagues, detailed player stats, import your existing leagues, and more.

MyFantasyLeague.com – Allows you to create very in-depth leagues that even receive real-time scoring, customizable home pages, league communications and more.

FantasyFootballXtreme.com – Tools to help you calculate your trades, a mock draft tool for you to see how drafts will work out, and lots of news and advice to get you ready.

ScreamingSports.com – A tool that will let you manage multiple fantasy teams from one site. Works with sites like Yahoo, ESPN, CBS Sportsline and more.

2008 NFL training camp reporting dates

Team Location Opening dates
Baltimore Ravens Westminster, Md. July 21 (rookies), July 23 (veterans) More information
Buffalo Bills Pittsford, N.Y. July 24 (rookies and veterans) More information
Cincinnati Bengals Georgetown, Ky. July 27 (rookies and veterans) More information
Cleveland Browns Berea, Ohio July 22 (rookies and veterans)
Denver Broncos Englewood, Colo. July 24 (rookies and veterans)
Houston Texans Houston July 25 (rookies and veterans) More information
Indianapolis Colts Terre Haute, Ind. July 24 (rookies and veterans) More information
Jacksonville Jaguars Jacksonville July 25 (rookies and veterans) More information
Kansas City Chiefs River Falls, Wis. July 24 (rookies and veterans) More information
Miami Dolphins Davie, Fla. July 25 (rookies and veterans) More information
New England Patriots Foxboro, Mass. July 21 (rookies), July 23 (veterans) Full schedule
New York Jets Hempstead, N.Y. July 16 (rookies), July 23 (veterans) More information
Oakland Raiders Napa Valley, Calif. July 24 (rookies and veterans)
Pittsburgh Steelers Latrobe, Pa. July 27 (rookies and veterans) More information
San Diego Chargers San Diego July 20 (rookies), July 24 (veterans) More information
Tennessee Titans Nashville, Tenn. July 25 (rookies and veterans)
Team Location Opening dates
Arizona Cardinals Flagstaff, Ariz. July 23 (rookies and veterans) More information
Atlanta Falcons Flowery Branch, Ga. July 25 (rookies and veterans) More information
Carolina Panthers Spartanburg, S.C. July 25 (rookies and veterans) More information
Chicago Bears Bourbonnais, Ill. July 22 (rookies and veterans) More information
Dallas Cowboys Oxnard, Calif. July 24 (rookies and veterans) More information
Detroit Lions Allen Park, Mich. July 23 (rookies and veterans)
Green Bay Packers Green Bay, Wis. July 27 (rookies and veterans) More information
Minnesota Vikings Mankato, Minn. July 24 (rookies and veterans) More information
New Orleans Saints Jackson, Miss./Metairie, La. July 23 (rookies and veterans) More information
New York Giants Albany, N.Y. July 24 (rookies and veterans) More information
Philadelphia Eagles Bethlehem, Pa. July 21 (rookies), July 24 (veterans) More information
San Francisco 49ers Santa Clara, Calif. July 24 (rookies and veterans) More information
Seattle Seahawks Kirkland, Wash. July 22 (rookies), July 24 (veterans)
St. Louis Rams Mequon, Wis. July 24 (rookies and veterans)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers Lake Buena Vista, Fla. July 25 (rookies and veterans)
Washington Redskins Ashburn, Va. July 19 (rookies and veterans) More information

Is the Buffalo Bills Game in Toronto Going to Kill the CFL?

Anyone else sick of the Argos/Bills Story?

So, for the past 2 weeks we have been infiltrated with pointless stories about how the Buffalo Bills upcoming entry to the Toronto sports market is going to kill the CFL.  I mean, come on who cares.  Truth of the matter is, Toronto has always been a town that backs the pros (especially when they are winning).  Team Rogers will fill the Ted Dome when the Bills come to town simply because there is a market for it.  Its not a condemnation of the Argos or the CFL.
Hats off to Elliotte Friedman the boy wonder from the CBC who wrote an excellent piece in today’s National Post. (http://www.nationalpost.com/opinion/story.html?id=608744)  This is about business.  Ted’s team knows how easily they will be able to make a few bucks because quite simply the NFL is the biggest marketing machine out there.
I am not so sure the CFL needs a team in Toronto to exist.  Quite frankly I am not so sure too many people beyond the avid fan care about either the CFL or the Argos in Toronto (save for the guy who hosts the 9am show on the fan590).  Having said that, to the only way the Argos exist in a Bills in TO era is if Team Rogers owns them.  Why? Simple.  Anyone who wants to buy Bills tickets will be stuck with buying Argos tickets too.  Eventually the CFL could act as a real feeder league for the NFL.
At the end of the day, its business.